Tutorials How To Manual MIDI and Audio
Get started using one of over twenty templates, ranging from Classical Orchestra to Jazz Quartet, create a custom arrangement using QuickScore's EZ Template, or simply start entering music on the staff with the mouse or keyboard and set up your instrumentation at your leisure. It's easy to add, modify or delete tracks at any time as you work.
You have a variety of ways to enter notes into QuckScore. You can import from MIDI files, MusicXML files, extract notes from Wave files, or enter them yourself using the mouse, the built-in virtual keyboard, a MIDI keyboard, MIDI guitar or breath controller, or any other controller attached to your computer.
When you put a note into QuickScore, it's never locked into place. Any note can be moved, deleted or changed at any time. As you enter or change notes, the display of music is updated automatically. The display of rests and other notes is automatically adjusted. This means that as you enter or edit notes, you can concentrate on the music, not on the notation. Of course, any time you want to apply custom formatting, you have minute control over the notational display.
You have a rich variety of editing options at your fingertips available, including:
Cut, copy, shift in time, transpose, shift in key, change octave, change duration, change channel, change velocity, note head, articulation, stem height, quantize, voice, note grouping, display of ties, etc.
Select notes (or other objects, such as articulations, lyrics or text) either individually (by double-clicking), in a contiguous group (by dragging the mouse), or non-contiguously (by control-clicking individual notes). You can also apply edit filters as you edit, to further narrow down your selections, for example, to grace notes, notes below middle C, or notes with a given channel or with velocities below a certain threshold.
There are a large number of operations available which can save you enormous amounts of time building your composition.
Use Generate Chords to create chord names and guitar grids directly from existing notes in your composition. Use Generate Harmony to create harmony tracks for existing melody lines, and use Generate Accompaniment to create complete accompaniments in any of a variety of styles ranging from blues quartet to classical string orchestra. If you like, it is quite simple to create an accompaniment style from any composition you already have.
Use Explode to take chords from an existing track and put them onto any number of new tracks, greatly speeding up the generation of orchestrations. Use Implode to put notes from any number of tracks onto one track, to quickly create piano reductions.
Use Rhythm to apply rhythms or grooves to existing passages. Add as many
of your own rhythms as you like and apply them whenever you want.