Getting Started How To Manual MIDI and Audio
The MIDI Mixer lets you enter controllers and other kinds of data by
moving faders up and down as you listen to the music. Make sure you've
loaded the file TUTOR13.QSD. Select MIDI Mixer from the Window menu. 7
Main Volume should be selected in the data type list box at the left of
the MIDI Mixer window control area. If it isn't, select it by clicking
on the box and selecting 7 Main Volume from the list box that drops down.
If you haven't turned off play looping yet, make sure you do it now.
If you've just finished the Controller Editor tutorial, you can see right
away what effect the volume controllers that you added have on the MIDI
Mixer. Press the SPACE BAR to start playing and watch the faders move.
You can move the faders yourself if you want to. Try grabbing a fader
and dragging it up and down. The volume will increase and decrease as
you drag it. The changes you make now aren't permanent, because you are
not recording.
Now lets use the MIDI Mixer to record a fadeout at the end of the piece.
We'll start fading at bar 23 and finish at bar 25, the end of the piece.
For the fadeout, we will group the two faders together so that moving
one fader will move both of them. Group the faders together by checking
both the boxes above the faders. We will start recording at bar 22, one
bar before the fade should start. Move to bar 22 by clicking on the time
display in the main control area and selecting 22:1:0 in the time field.
Now let's try recording. Remember to start fading at the start of bar
23. Press the record button (the button with the red circle) in the tape
transport in the main control area. Grab one of the faders and slowly
drag it down so that it is down to zero at the end of bar 25. When you
are finished recording, press the SPACE BAR or click the stop button (the
second button in the tape transport). How did your fade go? If you didn't
like it, click on No to answer the question, "Keep Mixer Changes?".
If you liked it, click on Yes. Don't forget that you can undo recording
by selecting Undo from the Edit menu if you decide you don't like what
you've done after hearing it a couple of times.